Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How to learn English Speaking very fast? 200% Works!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to Knowledge Ally!

My name is Priyam, and today I'm going to share few useful tips on learning English language Well!

If you can read & write but can't speak in English, then this is for you!

Tip # 1    First love the language 

I have noticed, most of the English learners try to learn English by reading few spoken English books. Basically they don't love the language. Now, you have to love the language to learn faster!

Tip # 2  Learn in an organised way 

What does it mean by an organised way?  An organised way means, you have to manage your activities. If you have 2 hours time in a day to learn English, then you have to divide this 2 hours time for doing different types of activities. Like: You can allocate 1 hour time on speaking practice, and in the rest 1 hour time you can focus on your writing and listening skills as well! 

Tip # 3 Do some fun activities

If you wanna be a very good English speaker very fast, then you need to do some fun activities as well. For that you can watch funny English movie or videos on YouTube!

Tip # 4 Think everything in English

The common mistake that most of the English learners make, they try to translate each and every single sentence in English. But, you should do the opposite. You have to practice to think everything in English instantly!

Now you are ready for your English learning!  So, Best of luck!

Thank you!

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