Friday, February 1, 2019

What do you think, you have only one Brain ?

What do you think, you have only one Brain ?

Not actually!

We not only have a brain to make decision rather we also have another organ that helps govern what we do! 

Let me tell you, your stomach is your second brain and you should listen to what it is saying.
Our own stomachs may be something of a dark mystery to most of us, but new research is revealing the surprising ways in which our guts exert control over our mood and appetite.

One reason for this phenomenon is that your stomach and your brain originate from the same material. The other reason is that your stomach and your brain still retain some of the same characteristics and nerves, it’s true!

Starting from the same tissues, the brain and the stomach originate and basically decide to take two separate roads of development. This two paths originate and split to govern two separate areas of the body. This is where the material changes to form our brain,  Central Nervous System and Stomach, the enteric nervous system.The most  interesting aspect of this split revolves around the Vagus Nerve. The Vagus nerve connects the two nervous systems for life. Because of this connection, both the brain and the gut share neurotransmitters and hormones.

The little brain does not do a lot of complex thinking but it does get on with the essential daily grind involved in digesting food - lots of mixing, contracting and absorbing, to help break down our food and begin extracting the nutrients and vitamins we need.

Dr. Michael Gershon, author of “The Second Brain” and Chairman of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology at Columbia, discovered that this intuition has no consciousness, it just is.


Kirsten Tillisch, head of the research team stated, “By controlling the environment of the stomach, we can control what happens in the brain.” 

With all this being said, one thing is very obvious. If eating nutritiously was not that important to you before, it sure is now. Apparently, the gut not only benefits from healthy foods by absorbing nutrients, it also seems to have a preference toward what it eats. It has a mind that prefers vitamins and minerals and a mood that depends on its human to eat the right things.

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